//********************************************************************************************************* // © 2012 jakemdrew.com. All rights reserved. // Not to be distributed, used, or re-used without express written consent. //********************************************************************************************************* //********************************************************************************************************* //ixDbEz - IndexedDB EZ is a js wrapper for IndexedDB providing rapid client-side development // of IndexedDB databases. //Created By - Jake Drew //Version - 1.0, 07/16/2012 //********************************************************************************************************* var ixDbEz = (function () { //Populate the window.indexedDB variables with the appropriate browser specific instance. window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB; window.IDBTransaction = window.IDBTransaction || window.webkitIDBTransaction || window.mozIDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction; window.IDBKeyRange = window.IDBKeyRange || window.webkitIDBKeyRange || window.mozIDBKeyRange || window.msIDBKeyRange; var ixDb; //The current ixdb database instance being accessed in all functions below. var ixDbRequest; //The current ixdb request instance being accessed in all functions below. var ixDbVersionTansaction; //Holds a reference to a versionchange transaction object anytime a version change is in process. //********************************************************************************************************* //Function StartDB - Open or create the requested database and populate the variable ixDb with the new IndexedDB instance. // dbName - Name of the IndexedDB database to open or create // dbVersion - MUST be a valid integer. If not, the database is given a version number = 1. // ixdbDDL - javascript var that contains a function with all the IndexedDB's valid ixDbEz DDL calls (see usage example) // onSuccess - (optional) callback function to execute if function successful. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. //********************************************************************************************************* function StartDB_(dbName, dbVersion, ixdbDDL, onSuccess, onError) { //Check to see if we have a browser that supports IndexedDB if (window.indexedDB) { ixDbRequest = window.indexedDB.open(dbName, dbVersion); ixDbRequest.onsuccess = function (e) { ixDb = ixDbRequest.result || e.result; // FF4 requires e.result. //Check to see if a database upgrade is required. //This logic should work with Chrome until they catch up with Firefox and support onupgradeneeded event. //Also works on older browsers builds that still support setVersion if (typeof ixDb.setVersion === "function") { var oldVersion = parseInt(ixDb.version || -1001); oldVersion = isNaN(oldVersion) || oldVersion == null ? -1001 : oldVersion; var newVersion = parseInt(dbVersion || 1); newVersion = isNaN(newVersion) || newVersion == null ? 1 : newVersion; if (oldVersion < newVersion) { var verRequest = ixDb.setVersion(newVersion); verRequest.onerror = ixDbEz.onerror; verRequest.onsuccess = function (e) { //log successful database creation console.log('ixDbEz: Created Database: ' + dbName + ', Version: ' + newVersion + '.') //Get a reference to the version transaction from the old setVersion method. ixDbVersionTansaction = verRequest.result; //Create database using function provided by the user. ixdbDDL(); } } else { //log successful database open console.log('ixDbEz: Opened Database: ' + dbName + ', Version: ' + newVersion + '.') } } //destroy the version trasaction variable (since version change transactions lock the database) delete ixDbVersionTansaction; //execute onsuccess function, if one was provided if(typeof onSuccess === 'function') { onSuccess(); } }; ixDbRequest.onerror = function (e) { logError(e, onError, ixDbVersionTansaction); }; //The onupgradeneeded event is not yet supported by Chrome and requires a hook in the onsuccess event above. ixDbRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (e) { //FF uses this event to fire DDL function for upgrades. All browsers will eventually use this method. Per - W3C Working Draft 24 May 2012 ixDb = ixDbRequest.result || e.currentTarget.result; //Get a reference to the version transaction via the onupgradeneeded event (e) ixDbVersionTansaction = e.currentTarget.transaction; //Create database using function provided by the user. ixdbDDL(); //destroy the version trasaction variable (since version change transactions lock the database) delete ixDbVersionTansaction; }; } } //********************************************************************************************************* //Function CreateObjStore - Create IndexedDB object store (similar to a table) // objectStoreName - Name of the Object Store / Table "MyOsName" // pkName - Keypath name (Similar to Primary Key) // autoIncrement - true or false (assigns an autonumber to the primary key / Keypath value) // Default value = false. // onSuccess - (optional) callback function to execute if function successful. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. //********************************************************************************************************* function CreateObjStore_(objectStoreName, pkName, autoIncrement, onSuccess, onError) { //Create a default value for the autoIncrement variable autoIncrement = typeof autoIncrement === 'undefined' ? false : autoIncrement; try { if (pkName == null || autoIncrement == null) var objectStore = ixDb.createObjectStore(objectStoreName, null); else var objectStore = ixDb.createObjectStore(objectStoreName, { keyPath: pkName, autoIncrement: autoIncrement }); //execute onsuccess function, if one was provided if(typeof onSuccess === 'function') { onSuccess(); } //Log os creation. onsuccess does not fire for objectStore! console.log('ixDbEz: Created ObjectStore ' + objectStoreName + '.'); } catch (e) { logError(e, onError, ixDbVersionTansaction); } return objectStore; } //********************************************************************************************************* //Function CreateIndex - Create IndexedDB object store index (similar to a table index on a field) // objectStoreName - Name of the Object Store / Table "MyOsName" // ixName - Name of the Index to create // fieldName - Keypath name to add the index too. (Can the name of any property / field in the object store) // unique - true or false, if True - all values in the index must be unique. // Default value = false. // multiEntry - true or false, see w3 documentation: http://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/#dfn-multientry // Default value = false. // onSuccess - (optional) callback function to execute if function successful. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. //********************************************************************************************************* function CreateIndex_(objectStoreName, ixName, fieldName, unique, multiEntry, onSuccess, onError) { //Create a default value for the autoIncrement variable unique = typeof unique === 'undefined' ? false : unique; multiEntry = typeof multiEntry === 'undefined' ? false : multiEntry; try { var ObjectStore = ixDbVersionTansaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); var index = ObjectStore.createIndex(ixName, fieldName, { unique: unique, multiEntry: multiEntry }); //execute onsuccess function, if one was provided if(typeof onSuccess === 'function') { onSuccess(); } //Log index creation. onsuccess does not fire for index! console.log('ixDbEz: Created index: ' + ixName + ' against keypath: ' + fieldName + '.'); } catch (e) { logError(e, onError, ixDbVersionTansaction); } } //********************************************************************************************************* //Function Add - Insert a record into an object store. // objectStoreName - Name of the Object Store / Table "MyOsName" // value - Record object or value to insert. // key - (optional) Key to access record. // onSuccess - (optional) callback function to execute if function successful. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. //********************************************************************************************************* function Add_(objectStoreName, value, key, onSuccess, onError) { if (ixDb) { var transaction = ixDb.transaction(objectStoreName, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); request = typeof key === 'undefined' ? objectStore.add(value) : objectStore.add(value, key); request.onsuccess = function (e) { if(typeof onSuccess === 'function') { onSuccess(); } console.log('ixDbEz: Created record in ObjectStore ' + objectStoreName + "."); }; request.onerror = function (e) { if(typeof onError === 'function') { onError(); } console.log('ixDbEz Error: Create record in ObjectStore ' + objectStoreName + " failed."); logError(e); } } else { if (ixDbRequest) { ixDbRequest.addEventListener ("success", function() { Add_(objectStoreName, value, key, onSuccess, onError); }, false); } } } //********************************************************************************************************* //Function Put - Replace or insert a record in an object store. // objectStoreName - Name of the Object Store / Table "MyOsName" // value - Record object or value to insert. // key - (optional) Key to access record. // onSuccess - (optional) callback function to execute if function successful. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. //********************************************************************************************************* function Put_(objectStoreName, value, key, onSuccess, onError) { if (ixDb) { var transaction = ixDb.transaction(objectStoreName, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); request = typeof key === 'undefined' ? objectStore.put(value) : objectStore.put(value, key); request.onsuccess = function (e) { if(typeof onSuccess === 'function') { onSuccess(); } console.log('ixDbEz: Put record into ObjectStore ' + objectStoreName + "."); }; request.onerror = function (e) { if(typeof onError === 'function') { onError(); } console.log('ixDbEz Error: Put record into ObjectStore ' + objectStoreName + " failed."); logError(e); } } else { if (ixDbRequest) { ixDbRequest.addEventListener ("success", function() { Put_(objectStoreName, value, key, onSuccess, onError); }, false); } } } //********************************************************************************************************* //Function updateKey - Replace or insert a record in an object store. // objectStoreName - Name of the Object Store / Table "MyOsName" // oldKey - The Key value that needs to be updated. // newKey - New value for the oldKey. // onSuccess - (optional) callback function to execute if function successful. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. // // newKey Warning! - If newKey exists in the ObjectStore, it's value will be replaced by oldKey.value //********************************************************************************************************* function UpdateKey_(objectStoreName, oldKey, newKey, onSuccess, onError) { if (ixDb) { var keyInObject = false; var transaction = ixDb.transaction(objectStoreName, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); //Check oldKey exists request var request = objectStore.get(oldKey); request.onsuccess = function (e) { //Get the value from the oldKey record var oldKeyResult = e.result||this.result; //oldKey provided does not exist in database. if(typeof oldKeyResult === 'undefined'){ console.log('ixDbEz Error: updateKey failed. Key: ' + oldKey + ' does not exist in ObjectStore ' + objectStoreName + "."); } //oldKey provided does exist in the database else { //if the value in the oldKey record is an object, and that object contains a //property that matches the current ObjectStore's KeyPath name, update that property //with the newKey value. if(typeof oldKeyResult === 'object' && containsProperty(oldKeyResult, objectStore.keyPath)){ oldKeyResult[objectStore.keyPath] = newKey; //since the newKey was updated in the object, newKey variable must = undefined //or add_ and put_ will fail. keyInObject is checked later to set newKey = undefined keyInObject = true; } //delete oldKey request var request = objectStore.delete(oldKey); request.onsuccess = function (e) { //check newKey exists request var request = objectStore.get(newKey); request.onsuccess = function (e) { var newKeyResult = e.result || this.result; //newKey provided does not exist in database, so a new record is added if(typeof newKeyResult === 'undefined'){ if(keyInObject){ Add_(objectStoreName, oldKeyResult, undefined , onSuccess, onError); } else{ Add_(objectStoreName, oldKeyResult, newKey, onSuccess, onError); } } //newKey does exist in database, and it's value is replaced. else { if(keyInObject){ Put_(objectStoreName, oldKeyResult, undefined , onSuccess, onError); } else{ Put_(objectStoreName, oldKeyResult, newKey, onSuccess, onError); } } //else - newKey exists } //check newKey.onsuccess //check newKey failed request.onerror = function (e) { var errEvent = e.result||this.result; logError(errEvent, onError); console.log('ixDbEz Error: updateKey failed. Key: ' + newKey + ' is not valid in ObjectStore: ' + objectStoreName + "."); } } //delete oldKey.onsuccess //delete oldKey failed request.onerror = function (e) { var errEvent = e.result||this.result; logError(errEvent, onError); console.log('ixDbEz Error: updateKey failed. Could not delete Key: ' + oldKey + ' from ObjectStore: ' + objectStoreName + "."); } } //else - oldKey exists } //check oldKey.onsuccess //check oldKey failed request.onerror = function (e) { var errEvent = e.result||this.result; logError(errEvent, onError); console.log('ixDbEz Error: updateKey failed. Key: ' + oldKey + ' is not valid in ObjectStore: ' + objectStoreName + "."); } } // ixDb exists else{ if (ixDbRequest) { ixDbRequest.addEventListener ("success", function() { UpdateKey_(objectStoreName, oldKey, newKey, onSuccess, onError); }, false); } } } // function //********************************************************************************************************* //Function Delete - Delete a record in an object store. // objectStoreName - Name of the Object Store / Table "MyOsName" // key - Key of the record to be deleted. // onSuccess - (optional) callback function to execute if function successful. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. //********************************************************************************************************* function Delete_(objectStoreName, key, onSuccess, onError) { if (ixDb) { var transaction = ixDb.transaction(objectStoreName, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); request = objectStore.delete(key); request.onsuccess = function (e) { if(typeof onSuccess === 'function') { onSuccess(); } console.log('ixDbEz: Deleted record key: ' + key + ' from ObjectStore ' + objectStoreName + "."); }; request.onerror = function (e) { if(typeof onError === 'function') { onError(); } console.log('ixDbEz: Deleted record key: ' + key + ' from ObjectStore ' + objectStoreName + " failed."); logError(e); } } else{ if (ixDbRequest) { ixDbRequest.addEventListener ("success", function() { Delete_(objectStoreName, key, onSuccess, onError); }, false); } } } //********************************************************************************************************* //Function getCursor - Returns a cursor for the requested ObjectStore // objectStoreName - Name of the Object Store / Table "MyOsName" // onSuccess - Name of the function to call and pass the cursor request back to upon // successful completion. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. // // onSuccess Ex. - getCursor_("ObjectStore_Name", MyCallBackFunction); // !! onSuccess function definition must have input variable for the request object !! // // Function MyCallBackFunction(CursorRequestObj) { // CursorRequestObj.onsuccess = function() {//do stuff here}; // } // //********************************************************************************************************* function getCursor_(objectStoreName, onSuccess, onError) { //The the openCursor call is asynchronous, so we must check to ensure a database //connection has been established and then provide the cursor via callback. if (ixDb) { var transaction = ixDb.transaction(objectStoreName, IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); try{ var request = objectStore.openCursor(); onSuccess(request); console.log('ixDbEz: Getting cursor request for ' + objectStoreName + "."); } catch(e){ onError(); console.log('ixDbEz Error' + ' getCursor:(' + e.code + '): ' + e.message); } } else { if (ixDbRequest) { ixDbRequest.addEventListener ("success", function() { getCursor_(objectStoreName, onSuccess, onError); }, false); } } } return { startDB: StartDB_, createObjStore: CreateObjStore_, createIndex: CreateIndex_, add : Add_, put : Put_, delete : Delete_, getCursor: getCursor_, updateKey : UpdateKey_ } })(); //default console error handler ixDbEz.onerror = function () { logError(e) }; //********************************************************************************************************* //Function logError - Writes all errors to console.log // errEvent - event objects or and other javascript object which contains a errEvent.code // and errEvent.message property. // onError - (optional) callback function to execute if function fails. // // Tip - Re-route any Console.log messages to whereever you want. (div file etc...) // window.console.log = function (msg) { //your code here } //********************************************************************************************************* function logError(errEvent, onError, transaction) { //if a valid onError function was passed, execute it. if(typeof onError === 'function') { onError(); } //if a transaction object was passed, attempt to abort it if(transaction.constructor.name == "IDBTransaction") { transaction.abort(); } console.log('ixDbEz Error' + '(' + errEvent.code + '): ' + errEvent.message + '.'); } //********************************************************************************************************* //Function containsProperty - Returns true if the object contains the requested property, otherwise false. // object - A valid javascript object. // property - A string with the requested property name. //********************************************************************************************************* function containsProperty(object, property){ var prototype = object.__prototype__ || object.constructor.prototype; return (property in object) && (!(property in prototype) || prototype[property] !== object[property]); }